One-sided attacks and biased reporting of the ECJ judgement regarding new genetic engineering methods reveal an arrogant and unenlightened understanding of science, democracy and law

By Dr Eva Gelinsky and Dr Angelika Hilbeck – ENSSER   Introduction “Nothing has been “banned”. Interpreting laws that simply recognise the novelty and distinctiveness of different kinds of GM breeding processes, the ECJ is merely offering a consistent framework of interpretation within which continuing healthy reasoned argumentation can be more rigorously played out.”[1] With … Read more

Hi Lucas,

Also habe hier mal alles geupdatet… Safe…. Du dann machen wir die 150,00€ mtl. als wartungshonorar aus – einverstanden? Ein Jahr ab jetzt?   LG    

Application Requirements

Membership Application · Required documents Please find attached below the ENSSER Mission Statement and application forms for both, organisations and individuals. According to ENSSER statutes, the members at the annual general meeting (AGM) decide on membership applications. The application needs to be supported by two ENSSER members. Please consult the ENSSER board in case you … Read more

Organisatorische Hinweise

Organisatorische Hinweise zum Post-Neonikotinoid-Symposium Anreise Das Post-Neonikotinoid-Symposium findet im Festsaal der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Luisenstraße 56, 10115 Berlin, statt. (Link zum Stadtplan) Mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln ist der Festsaal erreichbar über die S-Bahn Station Friedrichstraße sowie über diverse Trams und Busse. Bitte finden Sie Ihre individuelle Verbindung auf der Website der Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe: Unterkunft … Read more

Documents & Context

Documents Spiroux de Vendômois, J.; F. Roullier; D. Cellier; G.-E. Séralini. 2009. A comparison of the effects of three GM corn varieties on mammallian health. International Journal of Biological Sciences 5(7): 706-726. Monsanto. 2009. Monsanto Response: de Vendomois et al. 2009 (A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health) Regarding: … Read more

Bioscience Resource Project

The mission of the Bioscience Resource Project is ‘To provide the highest quality scientific information and analysis to enable a healthy food system and a healthy world.’ The Bioscience Resource Project pursues this mission by publishing scientific reviews and reports and also maintaining this website. The website provides independent news, information and analysis of current … Read more


CRIIGEN (Committee for Research and Independent Information on Genetic Engineering) is an independent non-profit association of scientific counter-expertise to study GMOs, pesticides and impacts of pollutants on health and environment, and to develop non polluting alternatives. It proposes expertise, advice, at different levels: legal, scientific, sociological and economic. It is particularly involved in the case … Read more

Citizen ForumSocial Sustainability and Biological Safety

Event of the COP-10 Partnership Co-organisers: Third World Network (TWN); Federation of German Scientists (Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler, VDW) Endorsed by: European Environment Agency (EEA), International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES), Nagoya Open University of the Environment (www), Nagoya University Graduate School of Environmental Studies (NU-GSES), Unión de Científicos Comprometidos con la … Read more


For many years, numerous controversies within the scientific community as well as in the public sphere regarding techno-scientific issues with potentially long-lasting consequences for the future development of our societies, humankind and our planet have been witnessed. Climate change, loss of biodiversity, development of agro-food systems (GMOs, biotechnology, biosafety, food sovereignty), emerging technologies (e.g. nanotechnologies), … Read more

European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility

The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) is a non-profit association registered under German law. The purpose of ENSSER is: “the advancement of science and research for the protection of the environment, biological diversity and human health against negative impacts of new technologies and their products. This especially includes the support … Read more



The content of the web page of ENSSER is under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Deutschland License.

Member Space

These pages are only accessable for ENSSER members. Both, individuals and organisations can apply for membership. Please download the appropriate application form, fill in all requested information and send the scanned copies via email to the ENSSER office. User login Enter your username and password here in order to log in on the website:

ENSSER in the Media

ENSSER regularly addresses the public on various topics via press releases and statements and brings its scientific expertise into public debates. Here we collect some of the responses of the media. GM crops: Britain held back in bio-technology by EU-laws 14.01.2014 Report and Video in Voice of Russia No consensus on G.M.O.’s 08.01.2014 Opinion Pages … Read more


Press Release 04/16 Who is to blame for the failure of GM golden rice? Press Release available in EnglishArticle by Angelika Hilbeck and Hans Herren available in English Press Release 03/16 Endocrine disruptor criteria toothless? Press Release available in English Letter to the Ministers of Health available in English Press Release 02/16 Co-formulants of glyphosate … Read more


European Transparency Initiative ENSSER is registered as an organisation under the European Transparency Initiative and adheres to its Code of Conduct. Check the Transparency Register   Initiative Transparent Civil Society Information on 10 criteria of the “Initiative Transparent Civil Society” of Transparency International Germany e.V. 1. Name, seat, address and year of foundation: see name, … Read more

Democratising Science & Decision Making

A key aim of ENSSER is to support and defend critical and independent science and research. ENSSER is aware of the increasing corporate influence and control on the agenda setting and conduct of science and research. At the same time, there is an increasing demand by the public and regulators to demonstrate safety and sustainability … Read more


Dec 1+2 2016: Scientific Conference TAKING STOCK – 20 YEARS OF GM CROPS – 40 YEARS OF ‘GENETIC ENGINEERING’ in Mexico City Sep 10-11, 2014: Science in the Eye of the Storm (AStA TU Berlin, CRIIGEN, ENSSER, Federation of German Scientists, Stiftung Gekko, International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility, Universities Allied for … Read more


The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) brings together independent scientific expertise to develop public-good knowledge for the critical assessment of existing and emerging technologies. Jemand musste Josef K. verleumdet haben, denn ohne dass er etwas Böses getan hätte, wurde er eines Morgens verhaftet. »Wie ein Hund! « sagte er, es … Read more

Who we are

The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) brings together independent scientific expertise to develop public-good knowledge for the critical assessment of existing and emerging technologies. ENSSER is committed to: Transparent, high quality scientific information that focuses on the ecological, health, and socioeconomic aspects of technology use. The assessment of alternative options … Read more


The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) brings together independent scientific expertise to develop public-good knowledge for the critical assessment of existing and emerging technologies. Please continue reading about “Who we are” here 01/04/17 In response to the threats to Prof. Damián Verzeñassi and his team from the Institute of Socio-Environmental … Read more


Forty years of genetic engineering (GE) have led to a host of new products and a recent surge in new techniques, but in agriculture and various other fields of application the level of insight into the effects of GE on organisms and ecosystems has progressed much less. The claims about the potential benefits and possibilities … Read more

Long list of glyphosate concerns shows EC flouts precautionary principle

PR 01/16 Long list of glyphosate concerns shows EC flouts precautionary principle A group of fourteen experts, including ENSSER member Michael Antoniou and CRIIGEN[i] member Robin Mesnage, warns that current safety assessments of glyphosate based herbicides (GBHs) as well as their maximum daily intake limits are based on outdated science. Also, exposure levels have risen … Read more

Co-formulants of glyphosate herbicides are endocrine disruptors

PR 02/16 Co-formulants of glyphosate herbicides are endocrine disruptors In a new French-Hungarian study, the co-formulants of glyphosate herbicides are shown to be endocrine disruptors, i.e. to interfere with the human hormone system. Two ENSSER board members, Nicolas Defarge and András Székács, are involved in the study. Despite a great deal of scientific criticism pointing … Read more

Post Neonikotinoid Symposium

1. Dezember 2015 Festsaal der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Luisenstraße 56, 10115 Berlin (Nähe Charité) Die Biodiversität und damit die menschliche Nahrungsgewinnung ist in zunehmendem Maße bedroht. Eingriffe des Menschen in die Natur wie Landschaftsveränderungen und Bodenversiegelung verursachen großenteils den Rückgang der Artenvielfalt. Neonikotinoide, die heimlichen Pestizide, welche mit dem Getreidesamen im Boden verteilt werden, sind … Read more

Public must know about risk to their health – ENSSER demands transparent glyphosate assessment – away with double standard favouring producers

PR 03/15 Public must know about risk to their health – ENSSER demands transparent glyphosate assessment – away with double standard favouring producers A new British scientific study confirms that the glyphosate herbicide Roundup, an essential integral component of the majority of GM crops, causes liver and kidney damage below levels allowed in EU drinking … Read more

Lab rat diets contaminated: chemical and GMO safety tests invalid

PR 02/15 Lab rat diets contaminated: chemical and GMO safety tests invalid A new French study has shown that feeds commonly used as standard diets in safety tests performed on rats, are contaminated with hazardous substances and often also with genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This may help to explain the common problem hindering safety tests … Read more

“No scientific consensus on GMO safety” statement published in peer-reviewed journal

PR 01/15 “No scientific consensus on GMO safety” statement published in peer-reviewed journal A statement signed by over 300 scientists and legal experts to the effect that there is “No consensus” on the safety of genetically modified (GM) crops and foods has been published in a peer-reviewed open access journal, Environmental Sciences Europe.[1] It now … Read more

Conference “Science in the Eye of the Storm”, Berlin, September 10-11 2014

 PROGRAM and DOCUMENTATION – please find below the final program of the conference including speakers’ presentations – Opening of conference and setting the stage Speaker: Angelika Hilbeck (ENSSER / ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Plenary symposium I Development towards sustainability – local, regional, global Chairs: Michael Dittmar (ETH Zurich / conCERNed for Humanity club at CERN, Switzerland); … Read more

Re-Publication of Séralini et al. Study on the “Long-term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize”

PR 01/14 Re-Publication of Séralini et al. Study on the “Long-term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize” RE-PUBLICATION of the Séralini et al. study on the “Long-term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize” ENSSER welcomes the re-publication of the data from the long-term rat feeding … Read more

End double standards in evaluating GMO safety studies – say scientists

PR 08/13 End double standards in evaluating GMO safety studies – say scientists Europe’s food safety agency only criticises studies that find risk, new analysis shows ENSSER Press release 17.12.2013 The controversy about the Séralini et al. study, which reported negative health effects of Monsanto’s NK603 GM maize and Roundup herbicide fed to rats over … Read more

297 scientists and experts agree GMOs not proven safe

PR 07/13 297 scientists and experts agree GMOs not proven safe *EU chief scientist Anne Glover’s backing for GM condemned as “irresponsible” *Independent researchers work double shift to address “red flags” on GMO safety Press release, European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility, 10 Dec 2013 The number of scientists and experts who … Read more

Number of scientists who say GMOs not proven safe climbs to 230 – Developer of first commercialised GM food says debate isn’t over

Number of scientists who say GMOs not proven safe climbs to 230 Developer of first commercialised GM food says debate isn’t over Press release 06/13, 30 October 2013 Contact: Dr Angelika Hilbeck: / Tel.: +49 30 20 654 857 The number of scientists, physicians and legal experts who have signed the group statement, … Read more

No scientific consensus on safety of genetically modified organisms – Scientists release statement as World Food Prize goes to Monsanto and Syngenta

PR 05/13 -PR is available in Française, Castellano, English, Deutsch, Nederlands – No scientific consensus on safety of genetically modified organisms – Scientists release statement as World Food Prize goes to Monsanto and Syngenta There is no scientific consensus on the safety of genetically modified foods and crops, according to a statement released today by … Read more

Statement: No scientific consensus on GMO safety

-the statement is also available in Francaise, Castellano, Nederlands, 普通話,  Português, Deutsch – As scientists, physicians, academics, and experts from disciplines relevant to the scientific, legal, social and safety assessment aspects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs),[1] we strongly reject claims by GM seed developers and some scientists, commentators, and journalists that there is a “scientific … Read more

ENSSER Comments on the Retraction of the Séralini et al. 2012 Study

Journal’s retraction of rat feeding paper is a travesty of science and looks like a bow to industry 29.11.2013 – Elsevier’s journal Food and Chemical Toxicology has retracted the paper by Prof. Gilles-Eric Séralini’s group which found severe toxic effects (including liver congestions and necrosis and kidney nephropathies), increased tumor rates and higher mortality in … Read more

Conference on Agroecology for Sustainable Food Systems in Europe: A Transformative Agenda

Conference Documents Conference paper: Levidow L, M Pimbert, P M Stassart, G Vanloqueren. “Agroecology in Europe: Conforming – or transforming the dominant agro-food regime?” Conference : “What is the problem and why a transformative agenda?” The website Agricultural Transition presents a wealth of studies, reports, films etc. Knowledge transformation and exchange Wezel A, et al.. 2009. … Read more

International Conference on Implications of GM Crop Cultivation at Large Spatial Scales (GMLS)

ENSSER participated in the organisation of the Third International Conference on Implications of GM Crop Cultivation at Large Spatial Scales (GMLS-III) convened in June 2012 in Bremen (Germany). Several ENSSER members gave key note speeches and presentations. More than sixty participants from 18 countries attended the meeting. The programme listed 36 contributions, consisting of keynotes, … Read more

Conference on Agroecology for Sustainable Food Systems in Europe: A Transformative Agenda

June 26-27, 2013 – Brussels, Belgium –  Université Libre de Bruxelles Conference program Conference outline Summary of the conference paper “Agroecology in Europe: Conforming – or transforming the dominant agro-food regime?” Co-organisers: Centre for Agroecology and Food Security at the Coventry University (CAFS, UK), European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER, Germany), … Read more

Genetically engineered soybeans in EU Court of Justice: David and Goliath

Press Release 04/13 – available in English, Deutsch, Française, Castellano, Português – Genetically engineered soybeans in EU Court of Justice: David and Goliath Monsanto, the EFSA, the UK Government and the EU Commission all joining forces against civil society Gentechnik Soja vor EU-Gericht: David gegen Goliath Monsanto, britische  Regierung, EFSA und EU-Kommission gemeinsam gegen die … Read more

Sustainable Diet and Food Security

Belgian Nutrition Society (BNS), The Nutrition Society (NS) and Société Française de Nutrition (SFN) co-organize on 28 and 29 May 2013 in Lille under the auspices of the Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS), a conference on “Sustainable Diet and Food Security”. This conference will bring together leading European experts in the field who will … Read more

Governance of emerging technologies in the context of sustainable development

 On Mar 28 2012, ENSSER members and colleagues convened the session “Governance of Emerging Technologies in the Context of Sustainable Development“.   Chaired by Claudia Neubauer and Brian Wynne Convenors: Kathy Jo Wetter, ETC Group; Claudia Neubauer, Fondations Sciences Citoyennes; Hartmut Meyer, The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER); Tom Wakeford, … Read more

New kinds of genetically modified plants and pesticides not being assessed for safety

Press Release 03/13 New kinds of genetically modified plants and pesticides not being assessed for safety Christchurch, 22.03.2013 – In a new peer-reviewed paper published by an international team from New Zealand, Brazil and Australia in the prestigious journal Environment International, the researchers Jack A. Heinemann, Sarah Z. Agapito-Tenfen and Judy A. Carman have found … Read more

Judicial Review of EU Authorisation of Genetically Engineered Soybeans with Stacked Genes (MON 87701 x MON 89788)

 The Grounds upon which Testbiotech, ENSSER, and Sambucus challenge the Commission’s decision are, in summary: Ground A: EFSA’s assessment that the Soybean is ‘substantially equivalent’ to its appropriate comparators is unlawful, is based on a scientific assessment which was not carried out in accordance with its own guidance, and/or is based on a manifest error … Read more

Lawsuit filed against EU authorisation of genetically engineered soybeans

PR 02/13 Lawsuit filed against EU authorisation of genetically engineered soybeans Klage gegen EU-Zulassung von gentechnisch veränderter Soja Umweltorganisationen Procès intenté contre l’Union européenne sur l’autorisation de sojas génétiquement modifiés Interpuesta una demanda contra la autorización europea de soja modificada genéticamente Interposta ação judicial contra a autorização da UE de soja geneticamente modificada   Environmental … Read more

The world-wide dominant herbicide contains compounds more toxic than expected as new research shows

PR 01/13 The world-wide dominant herbicide contains compounds more toxic than expected as new research shows Zusatzstoffe des weltweit bedeutendsten Herbizids sind deutlich toxischer als erwartet – Jüngste Forschungsergebnisse aus Frankreich publiziert Le principal herbicide du monde contient des substances plus toxiques que prevu – une nouvelle recherche le demontre Una nueva investigatión demuestra que … Read more

Objektive Sicherheitsforschung im Agrarbereich?

February 06, 2013 – Hohenheim, Germany –  Universität Stuttgart-Hohenheim Co-organisers: Gentechnikfreies Europa e.V. (V.i.S.d.P.; www), ENSSER, Aktionsbündnis gentechnikfreies Baden Württemberg (www), Albert Schweizer Stiftung (www), Brot für die Welt (www) Students’ Co-organisers: FRESH (www), Arbeitskreis Ökolandbau (AKÖ), Grüne Hochschulgruppe (GHG), Greening Hohenheim (www), studentisch-alternative cafete hohenheim (www) University came under severe criticism already in the … Read more

GM maize in México: An irreversible path away from agricultural biodiversity, farmer livelihoods and the right to food within the center of origin of maize

Recommendations and requests – a call to action A pro-forma public consultation period in México of requests for commercial-scale planting of GM maize has just finished as the last procedural hurdle on the path to approval, despite all previous efforts to convey. We conclude that the potential impacts threaten the right to maize as a … Read more

ENSSER Comments on Séralini et al. 2012

ENSSER comments “Questionable Biosafety of GMOs, Double Standards and, Once Again, a ‘Shooting-the-Messenger’ Style Debate” available in English, Castellano, and 中文! 05 Oct 2012 – The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) welcomes the study “Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize” of a group … Read more


 05 Oct 2012 – ENSSER participated with 7 delegates at the 6th meeting of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (MOP-6) from 01-05 Oct 2012 in Hyderabad, India. ENSSER convened two side events informing MOP-6 participates about recent scientific research and policy analysis in different biosafety fields. ENSSER’s work at MOP-6 – in conjunction with the … Read more

Advancing the Understanding of Biosafety GMO Risk Assessment, Independent Biosafety Research and Holistic Analysis

This conference took place in the wake of the 6th meeting of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (MOP-6) from 01-05 Oct 2012. ENSSER was represented at the MOP-6 convening 2 side events.   Advancing the Understanding of Biosafety GMO Risk Assessment, Independent Biosafety Research and Holistic Analysis Co-organisers: ENSSER; Tara Foundation (TF); Third World Network … Read more

ENSSER calls for scientific debate of potential health risks of GM wheat instead of ad hominem attacks on researchers

On 11 September 2012, the Science Media Centre (SMC) published response comments (by Prof. Rick Roush, Assoc. Prof. Peter Dearden, Prof. Peter Langridge and Dr. Ian Edwards) in reply to expert scientific opinions about the safety of GM wheat varieties that have been developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) of Australia. … Read more

ENSSER calls for scientific debate of potential health risks of GM wheat instead of ad hominem attacks on researchers

PR 03/12 ENSSER calls for scientific debate of potential health risks of GM wheat instead of ad hominem attacks on researchers 19 Sep 2012 – On 11 September 2012, the Science Media Centre (SMC) published response comments (by Prof. Rick Roush, Assoc. Prof. Peter Dearden, Prof. Peter Langridge and Dr. Ian Edwards) in reply to expert … Read more

Can GM Crops Meet India’s Food Security and Export Markets?

An International Scientific Conference Date: 27 Sep 2012 Venue: Courtyard by Marriott, Hyderabad Hosts: Aruna Rodrigues & Tara Foundation Co-organiser: ENSSER   Conference Agenda Conference Proceedings Newspaper coverage: Times of India, Times of India (2), Science and Development Network, The Hindu Business Line, The Deccan Chronicle, The Deccan Chronicle (2), The Hindu, The Hans India, … Read more

Complaint against EU authorisation of genetically engineered soybeans with stacked genes

PR 02/12 Complaint against EU authorisation of genetically engineered soybeans with stacked genes PR 02/12 Beschwerde gegen EU­ Zulassung von gentechnisch veränderter Soja mit Kombinationswirkung   Joint action of environmental organisations and scientists against decision of the EU Commission Munich/ Brussels, 9 August 2012. Several organisations such as the European Network of Scientists for Social … Read more

The State of the GMO Planet

What has happened to Genetic Engineering in the world? And where are we leading now with GMOs? On August 31, 2012, a unique group of international scientists engaged with environmental and social questions around genetic engineering met for an open conversation on the state of what some have called “The GMO Planet.” About 150 people joined … Read more

Congress on Risks for Public Health & the Environment


Time for Convergence in European Technology Assessment and Risk Assessment May 16-18, 2012 – Madrid/Spain – Complutense University Co-organisers: ENSSER, EEA, Fundación Vivosano/Health Defense Organisation, Cátedra Universidad-Empresa-Sindicato: Trabajo, Ambiente y Salud   May 16 (13:30) – Opening Prof. Emilio Mínguez Torres, Vice-Rector, Technical University of Madrid, Spain Prof. Antonio Notario Gómez, Director, School of Forestry … Read more

Environmental monitoring of GM crops

 29 Mar 2012 – On 29 March 2012 , the Commission organised a hearing on “Environmental monitoring of GM crops” in Brussels, the third of a series after the two on “GMO risk assessment and management” (March 2011) and “Socio-economic dimensions of GMO cultivation” (October 2011). The aim was to exchange views on GM crops … Read more

Green Genetechnology is overestimated

In 2011, Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker, a leading German biotechnologist and science manager, called for an “ideology free” approach to green genetechnology and for an unconditional support of the technology. Members of ENSSER and other experts replied to Winnacker’s article. The following text was published in “Die Zeit” on 07 March 2012: Die Grüne Gentechnik wird überschätzt … Read more

Swiss researchers confirm lethal effects of genetically modified Bt toxin on young ladybird larvae – Counter-research based on flawed methodology

PR 01/12 Swiss researchers confirm lethal effects of genetically modified Bt toxin on young ladybird larvae – Counter-research based on flawed methodology Schweizer Forscher bestätigen negative Effekte von gentechnisch verändertem Bt-Toxin auf junge Marienkäferlarven – Gegenstudie ohne negative Effekte wendet zweifelhafte Methodik an Des chercheurs suisses confirment les effets létaux de la toxine Bt génétiquement … Read more

How much insecticide do Bt plants actually produce? New publication shows inadequacies in risk assessment

PR 02/11  How much insecticide do Bt plants actually produce? New publication shows inadequacies in risk assessment Munich 21 November 2011. A new publication by an international research consortium has revealed several inadequacies in current approaches to risk assessment of genetically engineered plants. The publication deals with methods used for measurement in socalled Btplants. These … Read more

ENSSER Comments on the EFSA Draft Guidance on the Risk Assessment of Food and Feed from Genetically Modified Animals

 30 Sep 2011 – The current “Draft Guidance on the risk assessment of food and feed from genetically modified animals including animal health and welfare aspects published by EFSA on August 10, 2011 is based on risk assessment concepts that do not take into account generally accepted features of risk assessment as undertaking problem formulation, … Read more

23rd Meeting of the GMO Round Table

Upon request, ENSSER has advised the Hungarian GMO Round Table, advisory body of the Agricultural and Environmental Committees of the Hungarian Parliament regarding the GM seed contamination that occurred  in Hungary, a situation very similar to GM seed contamination in Germany in 2010. The 23rd Meeting of the GMO Round Table held a thematic meeting on … Read more

EFSA Consultative Workshop on Draft Guidance on Selection of Comparators for the Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Plants

31 Mar 2011 – The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) held a consultative workshop in Brussels on 31 March 2011 to discuss the views of stakeholders on its draft guidance for the selection of Genetically Modified (GM) plant comparators. The workshop brought together various interested parties, including representatives from academia, industry, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the … Read more

PRRI accuses ENSSER members to provide unscientific and unnecessary advice

On March 16, 2011, Dr. Angelika Hilbeck, the Chairperson of ENSSER, and Prof. Gilles-Eric Séralini, member of ENSSER, were informed by the Executive Secretary of the Public Research and Regulation Initiative (PRRI) that PRRI has sent a letter to Commissioner John Dalli Claiming complaining about their presentations at the ALDE GMO risk assessment workshop in … Read more

Sustainability and Holistic Assessment of Technologies and Biotechnologies

March 24/25, 2011 – Caen/France – University of Caen, Human Sciences (MRSH), Esplanade de la Paix Co-organisers: University of Caen MRSH-CNRS; Risk Pole; CRIIGEN; ENSSER; Foundation for Citizen Sciences; GenØk; Society of Environmental Health in Western France Program Public event: English, francaise   Poster Session Regulation of genetically modified plants: state-of-art and improvements A cognitive … Read more

ENSSER and FSC welcome verdict in whistleblower case – Gilles-Eric Séralini won libal case against the French Association for Plant Biotechnology

PR 01/11 ENSSER and FSC welcome verdict in whistleblower case Gilles-Eric Séralini won libal case against the French Association for Plant Biotechnology read more about the case 18 Jan 2011 – The Citizen Science Foundation (Fondation Sciences Citoyennes, FSC) and the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) welcome the verdict of the … Read more

GMO RISK EVALUATION – A contradictory debate

12 Jan 2011 – The evaluation of the risks of GMOs for health and the environment is the key controversy in the GMO debate in Europe. The work of European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) GMO panel, in charge of this evaluation, has been criticised by independent scientists, NGOs, farmers unions. In the Environment Council conclusions … Read more

“Advancing the Understanding of Biosafety” Scientific Conference and Citizen Forum

– press release available in English, Deutsch, 中文, 日本語 – “Advancing the Understanding of Biosafety” Scientific Conference and Citizen Forum Press Release 02/10 28 Sep 2010 – The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER), the Third World Network (TWN) and the Federation of German Scientists (Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler, VDW) are announcing … Read more

Advancing the Understanding of Biosafety Social Sustainability and Biological Safety

Scientific Findings, Policy Reactions & Public Participation Co-organisers: Third World Network (TWN); Federation of German Scientists (Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler, VDW) Endorsed by: European Environment Agency (EEA), International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES), Unión de Científicos Comprometidos con la Sociedad (UCCS) Financial support by: EMstitut, Germany; Fondation pour le Progrès de l’Homme … Read more

Support Letter / Lettre Soutien for Gilles-Eric Séralini & Co-Authors

May 10, 2010 – ENSSER and FSC invite you to sign the support letter for Professor Séralini and his colleagues Joël Spiroux de Vendômois and Dominique Cellier who have become the targets of a discreditation campaign from certain sectors of the scientific community. This campaign does not only threatens their livelihood as scientists, but also … Read more

“Don’t shoot scientific messengers”: Early warning French Professor under severe attack by agro-biotechnology lobby

PR 01/10 “Don’t shoot scientific messengers” Early warning French Professor under severe attack by agro-biotechnology lobby May 10, 2010 – Today the French Fondation Sciences Citoyennes (FSC) (1) and the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) (2) launch a public support letter for Prof. Dr. Gilles-Eric Séralini of the University of … Read more

ENSSER comments on EFSA Draft guidance document for the environmental risk assessment of genetically modified plants

 29 Apr 2010 – The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) was founded with the aim to advance science and research for the protection of the environment, biological diversity and human health against negative impacts of new technologies and their products. Consequently, ENSSER promotes the critical European and international discourse on … Read more

ENSSER Comments on the EFSA Guidance on the Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Plants

22 Mar 2010 – The Guidance introduces new principles and concepts for environmental risk assessment of genetically modified plants (GMP ERA), in the first place the principle of the “comparative safety assessment” as a reformulation of the “concept of substantial equivalence”. Further, the Guidance foresees to use the “concept of familiarity” as upstream decision-making instrument … Read more

Symposium on Science and Society “Integrety of Science under Attack”

ENSSER and the European Environment Agency (EEA) are cooperating in convening the Seminar on Science and Socity ‘Integraty of Science under Attack’. This public seminar took place on April 15 and 16 at the EEA headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark. ENSSER and EEA present current controversial cases of environmental and health risk assessments and policy decisions. … Read more

HEALTH: QUESTIONING EXPERTISE: Deficient evaluation and conflicts of interest


European Parliament – Brussels – Room: JAN 4Q 1 04 March 2010 – 9.00-12.30 & 14.30-17.00 MEP Corinne Lepage, MEP Frédérique Ries and MEP Fiona Hall Co-organisation: CRIIGEN – Comité de Recherche et d’Information Indépendantes sur le Génie Génétique FSC – Fondation Sciences Citoyennes ENSSER – European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility … Read more

Foundation of the European network of concerned scientists “European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility”

PR 01/09 Foundation of the European network of concerned scientists “European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility” Berlin (18 Sep 2009) – On September 18-19, 2009, the “European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility” (ENSSER) meets in Berlin/Germany for its first members’ meeting and a strategy workshop. ENSSER was founded by … Read more