Bioscience Resource Project

The mission of the Bioscience Resource Project is ‘To provide the highest quality scientific information and analysis to enable a healthy food system and a healthy world.’ The Bioscience Resource Project pursues this mission by publishing scientific reviews and reports and also maintaining this website. The website provides independent news, information and analysis of current trends and activities in food and agriculture without depending on commercial advertising.


EcoNexus is a not-for-profit public interest research organisation. It investigates and analyses developments in science and technology. It offers a rigorous scientific critique of genetic engineering (GE) and genetically modified organisms, and more recently of agrofuels (biofuels), synthetic biology and other new technological applications. It investigates and reports on the impacts of these technologies on the environment, biodiversity, human and animal health, food security, agriculture, human rights and society. EcoNexus also examines the influence of corporations on development issues and scientific, social, economic and political processes. It is based in the UK and collaborates with a diversity of networks nationally and internationally.

eco risk

AUSTRIA: eco-risk Büro für Ökologische Risikoforschung – Werner Müller ist selbständiger Wissenschaftler, der sich auf die ökologische Risikoforschung von GVO (gentechnisch veränderten Organismen) spezialisiert hat. Der Focus bei dieser Tätigkeit liegt insbesondere auf der Identifikation von Schwachstellen in der bisherigen Form der Risikoabschätzung von GVO. Weiters versucht WErner Müller mit Kollegen den Risikodiskurs weiterzuentwickeln und wichtige Impulse für dessen Strukturierung zu liefern.


NETHERLANDS: ifrik is run by Antje Lorch as an independent biologist based in Amsterdam. ifrik carries out consultancy work about issues surrounding genetic engineering and agriculture for NGOs, grass roots groups, scientific organisations, policy makers. ifrik prepares and delivers information and publication at different levels of expertise and for different audiences, for specialists as well as for lay persons.

International EMF Alliance

NETHERLANDS: Principal aim of IEMFA is to disseminate coherent, health-oriented information and advice on the rapidly growing body of knowledge on deeper biological disruptions observed in living tissues after exposure to relatively low environmental levels of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields, including the assessment of possibly related long-term health risks when chronically exposed. This body of knowledge is empirically based, and thus extends, updates and biologically refines the current available body of knowledge on predominantly physical-theoretical expectations of health risks of radiation. In this way IEMFA aims to contribute to long-term public health merits, by preventing various possible chronic diseases. IEMFA’s supplementary, long-term-oriented information and advice is addressed to everyone with an interest in the subject, especially to national and international health authorities. IEMFA primarily focuses on the widely used frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, of which there is still limited understanding with regards to the long-term effects. It includes low frequencies related to the use of electricity, and radio-frequencies related to the use of various wireless applications.The majority of information provided by the IEMFA is published in the form of scientific reviews, advisory reports and the proceedings of scientific meetings. The outcomes of these reviews will be promoted by IEMFA and will result in the publication of Empirically-based Exposure Guidelines preventing Chronic Health Risks for society. In line with this, IEMFA encourages environmental precautionary measures.


NETHERLANDS: De Life sciences hebben een enorme potentie om de uitdagingen van onze tijd het hoofd te bieden. Tegelijkertijd beïnvloeden ze onze normen, waarden en verwachtingen. LIS Consult wil een bijdrage leveren aan de maatschappelijk verantwoorde toepassing van de Life sciences in Europa. ‘Good governance’ (goed bestuur) is een belangrijke voorwaarde voor het slagen van innovaties. Dat betekent dat de overheid niet alleen een goed klimaat moet scheppen van onderzoek en investeringen, maar ook maatschappelijk draagvlak creëert:

• politiek draagvlak om publieke middelen te besteden aan onderzoek en ontwikkeling;

• draagvlak bij consumenten en patiënten voor nieuwe producten en diensten

• draagvlak bij maatschappelijk organisaties voor sociale en ethische aspecten.

scouting biotechnology

GERMANY: scouting biotechnology is a network of consultants which initiates, coordinates and supports projects in the area of biotechnology. We connect experts and stakeholders, gather relevant expertise and organise projects. scouting biotechnology aims to improve understanding of issues in modern biotechnology and their impact on civil society and the environment, indepedently of the economic interests of the biotech industry. Modern biotechnology is analysed from a critical perspective to create options for decison-making and sustainable development.


GERMANY: Testbiotech was founded in 2008 by a group of experts and registered as a non-profit organisation to promote independent research and public debate on the impacts of biotechnology. Testbiotech is a centre of expertise concerned mainly with the ecological, social and ethical consequences of modern biotechnology. Special emphasis is placed on genetic engineering applications in agriculture. We deal with risk assessment and risk management, socio-economic consequences (e.g. caused by patents on seeds or livestock), developments in the regulatory framework and new approaches in plant and animal breeding (besides genetic engineering). Testbiotech conducts its own studies or commissions research projects from other institutions and uses the relevant findings to raise broader public awareness.