ENSSER and FSC welcome verdict in whistleblower case – Gilles-Eric Séralini won libal case against the French Association for Plant Biotechnology

PR 01/11 ENSSER and FSC welcome verdict in whistleblower case
Gilles-Eric Séralini won libal case against the French Association for Plant Biotechnology

18 Jan 2011 – The Citizen Science Foundation (Fondation Sciences Citoyennes, FSC) and the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) welcome the verdict of the Tribunal de Grande Instance (High Court) of Paris in the libel case brought by Gilles-Eric Séralini, Professor of the University of Caen, president of the Scientific Council of the Steering Committee of CRIIGEN (Committee for Independent Research and Information on GMOs), and specialist in the effects on health of pesticides and GMOs. The case was brought against the French Association for Plant Biotechnology (l’Association française des biotechnologies végétales AFBV), and its president Marc Fellous, who was fined 4000 € to cover legal costs, given a suspended fine of 1000 €, and ordered to pay 1 € damages.

After G.E Séralini published his independent analysis which questioned claims that three varieties of GMO maize produced by the company Monsanto have no ill-effects on health, and which challenged the European Commission’s authorisation which was given on the advice of the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA), Mr. Séralini became the object of a violent smear campaign, particularly at the hands of AFBV scientists, the majority of whom have business interests linking them to, or hold positions within the biotechnology industry.

This verdict condemns the use of lies and discreditation by certain scientists unable to make a reasoned counter-argument based on sound professional ethics and good scientific practice. At the height of the health scandals related to Mediator, perchloroethylene, Chinese heparin and bisphenol A, with their multiple conflicts of interest, there is an urgent need to promote respect for transparent and independent expertise, as shown by more than 1000 scientists and 15,000 citizens around the world who have expressed their support for Gilles-Eric Séralini.