Sustainability and Holistic Assessment of Technologies and Biotechnologies

March 24/25, 2011 – Caen/France – University of Caen, Human Sciences (MRSH), Esplanade de la Paix


University of Caen MRSH-CNRS; Risk Pole; CRIIGEN; ENSSER; Foundation for Citizen Sciences; GenØk; Society of Environmental Health in Western France

Program Public event: English, francaise


Poster Session


Program & Lectures

lectures are currently uploaded

Mar 24 (08:30) – Opening Session

Josette Travert, President, University of Caen
Jean-Karl Deschamps, Vice-President, Regional Council of Basse-Normandie
Pascal Buléon, Director, Maison de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines (MRSH), University of Caen
Corinne Lepage, Member of the European Parliament, Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)
Angelika Hilbeck, Chairperson of ENSSER & Member of the Scientific Council of the Comité de Recherche et d’Information Indépendantes sur le génie Génétique (CRIIGEN)


Mar 24 (09:00) – European Situation and Trends

State of the art in European assessment of technologies and biotechnologies, in European laws and legal contexts

    1. Corinne Lepage (MEP-ALDE), France

Environmental and health risk assessment in the EU – possible improvements

    David Gee, Coordinator for Emerging Issues, European Environmental Agency (EEA), Denmark


Mar 24 (10:20) – American Situation and Trends

State of the art and future possible directions in American environmental and health assessments of technologies and biotechnologies

    Prof Louise Vandelac, Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la biologie, la santé et l’environnement (CINBOISE), University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada


Mar 24 (10:40) – Health Issues

What is really environmental health? The case of rivers polluted by medicinal drugs, chemicals and pesticides or GMO residues

    Dr Joël Spiroux de Vendômois, Society for Environmental Health – Normandie, France

Environmental health risk assessment in the EU: state of the art and future directions

    Dr Andreas Gies, Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA), Germany

The nutritional assessment of GMOs before commercialization, how to approach a comprehensive assessment

    Prof Federico Infascelli & Dr Raffaella Tudisco, University of Napoli, Italy

The genetic engineering assessment itself is not holistic – implications on public transparency, regional agriculture in Italy, and on labeling as well as future possibilities

    Prof Marcello Buiatti, University of Firenze & Italian Commission on Genetic Engineering, Italy

What possible health and environmental assessment for nanotechnologies?

    Prof Julian Filser & Dr Jan Köser, University of Bremen, Germany

How the neglected effects of chemicals, pesticides, drugs, biotechnologies and nanotechnologies can be taken into account in the future

    Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini, University of Caen & CRIIGEN, France


Mar 24 (14:00) – Environmental and Geographical Issues

The lack of assessment of the impact new technologies on the microbial world and the soil – possible improvements

    Dr Christian Vélot, University Paris-South (Orsay), France

Bringing the geographical approach to assessment and management of technological risks: application to Normandy

    Prof Olivier Maquaire, University of Caen, France

Environmental assessment of biotechnologies in the future

    Dr. Angelika Hilbeck, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zürich), Switzerland


Mar 24 (15:30) – Economical, Legal and Ethical Issues

Pesticide and agricultural GMO registration in the EU: internal controversies

    Dr. András Székács, Department of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry, Plant Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary

Economical assessment of technologies and biotechnologies : past, present and future: how to encompass it in biological assessment?

    Dr. Iulie Aslaksen, Statistics Norway & GenØk, Norway

Lacks and possible improvements in European Union law concerning GMOs

    Prof Jean-Michel Panoff & Dr Marie-Pierre Maurin, University of Caen & CRIIGEN, France

Patents and sustainable development in the Southern and Northern hemispheres

    Dr. Hartmut Meyer, Scientific Coordinator, ENSSER

Science policy and anomie – Risk appraisal interface

    Dr. David Quist, GenØk, Norway


Mar 25 (08:30) – Social Issues

How to better involve the society in technological and biotechnological assessments?

    Claudia Neubauer, Fondation Citoyennes Science (FSC), France

Public participation in EU assessment of biotechnologies and future directions – a European study

    Dr Frédérick Lemarchand, Risk Cluster Sociology, University of Caen, France

Nanotechnologies risk assessment

    Prof Christian Papilloud, Sociology, University of Caen, France

Social acceptability of new technologies. What about the future?

    Dr Michelle Dobré,  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Centre d’Etude et de Recherche sur les Risques et les Vulnérabilités (C.E.R.R.e.V.), University of Caen, France

Public information and participation in technology and biotechnology assessment

    Prof Mercy W. Kamara, University of Roskilde, Denmar
