Genetic Engineering, Nature Conservation, and Animal Ethics – Why Genetically Modifying Wild Sentient Animals Is Not a Good Option

Environmental Ethics ONLINE FIRST published on May 3, 2024 Leonie N. Bossert, Thomas Potthast Summary: The use of genetic engineering is increasingly discussed for nature conservation. At the same time, recent animal ethics approaches debate whether humans should genetically engineer wild animals to …

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Genetic engineering endangers the protection of species

Genetic engineering endangers the protection of species Subtitle: Why the spread of genetically engineered organisms into natural populations has to be prevented Autor(s): Christoph Then This report is primarily concerned with the consequences of genetic engineering interventions into evolutionary processes. Leading scientists working in …

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Overview of genome editing applications using SDN-1 and SDN-2 in regard to EU regulatory issues

Brochure by TestBiotech Authors: Katharina Kawall, Juliana Miyazaki, Andreas Bauer-Panskus, Christoph Then Overview of genome editing applications using SDN-1 and SDN-2 in regard to EU regulatory issues – New methods of genetic engineering (genome editing) and their potential impact on nature protection and the …

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Videos of Public Event: Bound to fail – The flawed scientific foundations of genetic engineering – The Central Dogma is 60 years old – but has it always been the new clothes of the emperor?


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Forty years of genetic engineering (GE) have led to a host of new products and a recent surge in new techniques, but in agriculture and various other fields of application the level of insight into the effects of GE on organisms and ecosystems has …

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Green Genetechnology is overestimated

In 2011, Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker, a leading German biotechnologist and science manager, called for an “ideology free” approach to green genetechnology and for an unconditional support of the technology. Members of ENSSER and other experts replied to Winnacker’s article. The following text was published in …

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