Conference 26th June 2024: Farming without harming: policy action for resilient agriculture

Hosted by Pesticide Action Network Europe, Friends of the Earth Europe, The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility and Agroecology Europe Where: Multiburo EU Parliament (Square de Meeûs 38-40, 1000 Brussels) and Online When: 26th June 2024, 14:00-17:00 CET Language: English Registration:   Pesticide Action Network Europe, Friends …

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Conference Documentation “The Integrity of Science”, Edinburgh, 26-27 May 2023

The Integrity of Science A conference about the conflict between public policy and independent science, in honour of Dr. Árpád Pusztai (1930 – 2021)   Documentation   Day 1: A memorial to Dr. Árpád Pusztai Friday, 26 May 2023 Opening (ppt / video) Prof. …

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Forty years of genetic engineering (GE) have led to a host of new products and a recent surge in new techniques, but in agriculture and various other fields of application the level of insight into the effects of GE on organisms and ecosystems has …

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Conference “Science in the Eye of the Storm”, Berlin, September 10-11 2014

 PROGRAM and DOCUMENTATION – please find below the final program of the conference including speakers’ presentations – Opening of conference and setting the stage Speaker: Angelika Hilbeck (ENSSER / ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Plenary symposium I Development towards sustainability – local, regional, global Chairs: Michael …

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Conference on Agroecology for Sustainable Food Systems in Europe: A Transformative Agenda

June 26-27, 2013 – Brussels, Belgium –  Université Libre de Bruxelles Conference program Conference outline Summary of the conference paper “Agroecology in Europe: Conforming – or transforming the dominant agro-food regime?” Co-organisers: Centre for Agroecology and Food Security at the Coventry University (CAFS, UK), …

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Objektive Sicherheitsforschung im Agrarbereich?

February 06, 2013 – Hohenheim, Germany –  Universität Stuttgart-Hohenheim Co-organisers: Gentechnikfreies Europa e.V. (V.i.S.d.P.; www), ENSSER, Aktionsbündnis gentechnikfreies Baden Württemberg (www), Albert Schweizer Stiftung (www), Brot für die Welt (www) Students’ Co-organisers: FRESH (www), Arbeitskreis Ökolandbau (AKÖ), Grüne Hochschulgruppe (GHG), Greening Hohenheim (www), studentisch-alternative …

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“Advancing the Understanding of Biosafety” Scientific Conference and Citizen Forum

– press release available in English, Deutsch, 中文, 日本語 – “Advancing the Understanding of Biosafety” Scientific Conference and Citizen Forum Press Release 02/10 28 Sep 2010 – The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER), the Third World Network (TWN) and …

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