Der Schatz im Boden. In: Gen-ethischer Informationsdienst Nr. 267. Titelthema: Wassermangel in der Landwirtschaft.

Von Dr. agr. Andrea Beste, Diplomgeografin, Agrarwissenschaftlerin und Bodenexpertin. Ackerböden stellen ein komplexes Ökosystem aus Pilzen, Pflanzen und Mikroorganismen dar. Eine ganzheitliche Betrachtungsweise hat eine Vielzahl von Ansätzen zum Schutz von Wasserressourcen hervorgebracht. Insbesondere naturbasierte Lösungen haben sich als hilfreiche Strategien für die Klimaanpassung erwiesen. Read the full article


By Andrea Beste Commissioned by Martin Häusling, MEP (The Greens/ EFA)   Introduction Even though it has been clear for many years that conventional agricultural systems in Europe are unsustainable and need to be fundamentally changed1, time and again attempts are made to promote techniques or products addressing only parts of the system as the … Read more

Down to earth – why soils play a key role in ecosystem-based adaptation

Authors: Dr. Andrea Beste (Büro für Bodenschutz & Ökologische Agrarkultur), Neomi Lorentz There is an unprecedented interest in nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation. But something very important is often missing from discussions of such solutions: the role of healthy soils. As habitats for plants and animals, as regulators of climate and water, … Read more

France – portrait of an agriculture in transition

The French Council Presidency has made so-called “carbon farming” a priority. In the podcast, Dr. Andrea Beste talks about what to make of this and whether it has any effect on the climate in arable farming. From minute 8 in English Die französische Ratspräsidentschaft hat das sogenannte “carbon farming” zu einem Schwerpunkt gemacht. Was … Read more

A Soil Scientist’s Perspective – Carbon Farming, CO2 Certification & Carbon Sequestration in Soil

By Andrea Beste In 2018, the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Regulation (LULUCF) [1] was adopted. Its commitments are to be included in the new EU energy and climate policy framework for the period of 2021 – 2030. The expectation is that this will contribute to the EU target of reducing greenhouse gas … Read more

Precision Farming – or “The Emperor’s New Clothes”?

By Andrea Beste For some years now, it has been loudly and frequently advertised. In fact, it iseven recommended by the EU Commission as an eco-scheme measure – alongside practices like agroforestry and agroecology – to be funded from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) pot. So what is it? Why its  precision farming. Read the … Read more

The Myth of Climate Smart Agriculture – Why Less Bad Isn’t Good

At a time when rains fail and yields crash, not just climate compatible agriculture, but the climate adaptation of agricultural systems are more relevant than ever. The study “The myth of climate smart agriculture – why less bad isn’t good” discusses these topics. Has the impact of agriculture on climate change been accurately depicted so … Read more