Conference 26th June 2024: Farming without harming: policy action for resilient agriculture

Hosted by Pesticide Action Network Europe, Friends of the Earth Europe, The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility and Agroecology Europe

Where: Multiburo EU Parliament (Square de Meeûs 38-40, 1000 Brussels) and Online

When: 26th June 2024, 14:00-17:00 CET

Language: English



Pesticide Action Network Europe, Friends of the Earth EuropeThe European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility and Agroecology Europe would like to invite you to the hybrid event “Farming without harming: Feeding policy action for resilient systems”. The aim of the event is to gather policymakers, scientists, farmers, and civil society to highlight the potential of agroecological systems and integrated pest management to decrease pesticide dependency and transition towards more resilient food systems.

Long-term sustainable farming systems depend on natural pest control, pollinators, and living soils. Farmers across Europe show that enhancing crop rotation and strip cropping, soil health, ecological infrastructure, and biodiversity lower pesticide dependency, enhance water infiltration, decrease drought stress and erosion, while securing good and stable yields.

Pesticide use poses an urgent and far-reaching problem: the harm to human health and ecosystems is high, leading to extensive societal costs. The reduction of pesticides is a cornerstone of the European Green Deal and Farm to Fork strategy, and a demand of two European Citizens’ initiatives. Reducing pesticide use should be a top priority for the incoming European Commission, Parliament, and Presidency handed over from Belgium to Hungary. This event will focus on Integrated Pest Management and agroecological practices as the cornerstone of resilient farming systems and decreased pesticide dependency.

Please see the programme below.

You are welcome to forward the invite in your networks. We remain at your disposal for any questions.

We look forward to welcoming you there!

Best wishes,

Gergely Simon, Natalija Svrtan, Kristine De Schamphelaere (PAN Europe)

Clara Bourgin (Friends of the Earth Europe)

András Székács (The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER))

Henriette Christensen, Elena Ambühl, Lili Balogh (Agroecology Europe)


2:00 – 2:05 Introduction

2:05 – 2:15 Opening Statement

  • Jens Boyen, Representative of the Belgian Presidency

2:15 – 2:30 Presentation

  • András Székács, The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER)

2:30 – 3:10 Panel

  • Funding for agroecology (Caroline Amrom (Catholic University of Louvain)
  • Lili Balogh (Agroecology Europe and Hungarian Agroecology Network)
  • Wallonian Ministry for Environment (TBC)

3:10 – 3:30 Short Break

3:30 – 4:20: Panel

  • Reducing pesticide dependency: Inspiration from the field (Nicolas Munier-Jolain (IPM works)
  • Raffael Buonatesta (IBMA Belgium/Fytofend)
  • Belgian farmer TBC, Belgian advisor IPM/Agroecology TBC)

4:20 – 4:30: Statement

  • Géza Gábriel, Head of Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary

4.30 – 4.35 Closing statement

4:35 – 5:00 Free discussion and refreshments