Pesticides, poisoning and the politics of agrichemicals between Europe and Brazil

The Work, Labour and Globalisation Research network at University of Strathclyde, the European Network of European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility, and the Pesticide Action Network Europe invite you to:

“Pesticides, poisoning and the politics of agrichemicals between Europe and Brazil”

When: 7 May 2019 from 17-20h
Where: ENSSER, Marienstraße 19/20, Hinterhaus 1. OG, 10117 Berlin

Featuring the European launch of ‘The Use of agrotoxins in Brazil and Connections with the European Union’ by Larissa Mies Bombardi, University of São Paulo;
and discussion with

Angeliki Lysimachou and Susan Haffmans, Pesticide Action Network Europe
Brian Wynne, European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility
Antonio Thomaz Jr, Centre for Labour, Environment and Health Studies, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)/Presidente Prudente, Brazil

Brazil is one of the most important suppliers of foods, grains and biofuels to the European market. European firms are among those behind the record levels of hazardous use of pesticides in Brazil, despite many of these chemicals being prohibited in the EU. In 2016 alone Brazil registered 4,208 cases of intoxication by exposure to pesticides and 355 deaths by agricultural chemicals. Amidst weakening regulation in both EU and Brazil, the work of Larissa Mies Bombardi maps the illness, death and infant malformation in Brazil in relation to these toxins, and outlines the risk of contamination of foods being consumed in both Brazil and Europe. We welcome you to join her and leading researchers in pesticide regulation, food contamination and labour standards to explore the contradictions in trade regulations, the power of corporate lobbies, and how civil society can better understand and tackle policy and politics behind agrochemical pollution and poisoning.

Co-ordinated by Work, Labour and Globalisation network at University of Strathclyde, European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility and Pesticide Action Network Europe.

For further information please contact: Brian Garvey <brian.garvey  [at]<mailto:brian.garvey [at]>>