ENSSER Statement on New Genetic Modification Techniques:

Products of new genetic modification techniques should be strictly regulated as GMOs [1] 27 September 2017 New genetic modification techniques (NGMTs) are increasingly being developed and applied to generate new varieties of food crops and livestock animals. They are also being used for other purposes, such as to develop gene drives[2]. They include – but … Read more

First Signatories to the ENSSER Statement on New Genetic Modification Techniques

Michael Antoniou, Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, King’s College London, London, UK Ricarda Steinbrecher, EcoNexus, UK Angelika Hilbeck, Institute of Integrative Biology, Department of Environmental Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland András Székács, Professor, Agro-Environmental Research Institute, National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre, Budapest Nicolas Defarge, Institute of Integrative Biology, Department of … Read more

Letter to the Rector of the University of Rosario to express ENSSER’s support to Prof. Damián Verzeñassi and his team from the Institute of Socio-Environmental Health, University of Rosario, Argentina

In response to the threats to Prof. Damián Verzeñassi and his team from the Institute of Socio-Environmental Health (Medicine School of the National University of Rosario, Argentina), ENSSER wrote and endorsed a letter of support {link}. Since 2010, Prof. Damián Verzeñassi together with his medical students conducted perhaps the largest epidemiological study to date by … Read more