Democratising Science & Decision Making

A key aim of ENSSER is to support and defend critical and independent science and research. ENSSER is aware of the increasing corporate influence and control on the agenda setting and conduct of science and research. At the same time, there is an increasing demand by the public and regulators to demonstrate safety and sustainability of production processes and industrial products through scientific research. In this context, the research and results of scientists who are not embedded in corporate interest networks is of high interest and value. Not surprisingly, results and their interpretations of independent scientists attract specificattention by all stakeholders in case they do not confirm the results and interpretations of corporate interest networks. Apart from legitimate criticism on technical issues, ENSSER has observed an increasing tendency to attac and discredit internally and publically the scientists who produce dissenting results and interpretations. ENSSER is dedicated to provide a public forum to document and analyse these controversies and attacs.

Cases of Support & Defense

  • Gilles-Eric Séralini and co-authors (University of Caen, France): food safety of GE crops and toxicology of the herbicide glyphosate
  • PRRI complaint on Angelika Hilbeck and Gilles-Eric Séralini at the European Commission
  • Australian Science Media Centre published ad hominen attacks on Jack Heinemann, Judy Carman and Michael Antoniou
  • ENSSER Comments on Séralini et al. 2012 Study: Questionable Biosafety of GMOs, Double Standards and, Once Again, a “Shooting-the-Messenger” Style Debate